
Below are some really hot links to warmup even the coolest online gamers

 Hondo! Magic with a message!
A simple card trick that will leave you dazed and amazed
 The U.S.S. Odyssey
I'm not gonna tell you about this site, you'll just have to go there and find out for yourself
 IQ Tests, Puzzles, Riddles &Contests
Puzzles and riddles to sharpen your wits. Regardless of how low you score you can't fail an IQ test
Trivia Blitz : Free cash & prizes
It's fun, it's free and you can win cash 
and prizes
 Happy Puppy - It's all games
Don't let the title fool you, this isn't just a bunch of  little kiddy games, there's stuff  here for the kid in all of us
Ever wondered about the secrets  behind some of those amazing feats of magic?
If it hasn't dawned on you by now, I'm gonna remind you
  The Law of Love - karmometer
What's your karometer register, 
 The New Age IQ Test
 The Daily Humorscope 
A little bit of humor to start your day
 WestWood Studios
Your online gaming center
 Central Plaza: The Crystal Ball  Games, utilities, chat you can get all and more! Free!
Don't you just love that word FREE
Hotmail - The World's FREE Web-Based Email
If you don't have your own free e-mail address then you haven't been here. --
 Virtual Community for Science Fiction Fans
this site brought to you through the blood, sweat and tears of  Daniel Stonum (WEBMASTER)
you can send your questions & comments to the address below, No complaints please,
I don't want to hear any complaints, I get enough of them at home.